Archive for October, 2014

Adventurous Aesthetics

Younes Marxieu

Imagine if you will, being on your death bed, and standing around your bed, the Dreams given to you by life, the Ideas that you never acted on, the Talents, the Gifts, the Abilities that you never used… And there they are, standing around your bed, looking at you with large angry eyes saying ‘We came to you! And only you could have given us life! And now we must die with you forever…’ The only question is, if you died this very moment what will die with you? What dreams? What ideas? What talents? What greatness that you showed up to bring? Don’t allow fear of failure and the attractiveness of playing it safe in life to draw you in. You can’t get out of life alive you got to die to leave here. You have something special, you have greatness within you.

You were born phenomenal, listen to…

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Truth! 😥

ISLAM---World's Greatest Religion!

Interesting Article,Shared with me by a Friend……

I probably sound like one of those writers with novels claiming to have found a wondrous miracle that could be all yours for only $10.99. Just for the record, I’m not going to be one of those writers, tonight. Human relationships are complex as it is without throwing in a breakup. It can be a breakup with your friend, brother, daughter, husband, wife or business partner. Whichever one it is, breakups take time to heal. So for your eyes only, I will reveal the seven phases that a person may go through when a relationship ends. Get comfortable, and for those still hurting, have some tissues on standby.

From my own personal experiences, I believe that once you break up with your best friend or grandfather even, you are suddenly sucked into a circle, a whirlpool even, where you meet each of the seven…

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Well, perhaps this one was a bit morbid:

The “Five Before You Die” was a feature we ran back in the summer 2010; by now, there are now many more great Arabic books available in translation, but this remains a strong list from translators, authors, critics, and publishers.

Shakir Mustafa

Although he might not put it on his resume, Mustafa was perhaps the first supporter of this blog.  He teaches at Northeastern University, translates, and is the editor and translator of the excellent Contemporary Iraqi Fiction: An Anthology. His picks:

Mahmoud Saeed

Saeed is the acclaimed and award-winning author of Saddam City, among many…

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